How it works?

Medless is a platform that helps you to find medicinal product that is prescribed to you by providing general information about medicinal products collected from licensed suppliers and connecting to different suppliers of medicinal products worldwide eligible to supply you needed medicine.

In most countries, every person is allowed to import medicinal products for personal use only with a medicinal prescription issued to that person. It is however, to be consulted with your treating physician and/or authorities if any additional requirements or restriction to import apply in your country.
What is usually needed to fulfil your order*:
  • Prescription
  • Passport or National ID card

* please note that additional (different) documents could be required depending on your jurisdiction.

Why is prescription needed?

It is important that your health is taken care of by a competent medicinal specialist, that is qualified to provide you with medical advices and prescribe you specific treatment. The medicinal prescription serves as a proof that medicinal product was prescribed personally for you by a professional considering your health needs. It is also legally required by various competent institutions (eg. customs) supervising the legality of delivery of the medicinal product.

As the minimum, the prescription should include*
  • Information on healthcare institution where prescribing doctor is working
  • Patient’s full name and personal code or date birth
  • Name of the medicine, pharmaceutical form and strength, number of dosages (or size and number of packages) and usage instruction (duration, frequency etc.)
  • Doctor’s full name and signature
  • Doctor’s registration number and/or stamp, telephone number (please be informed that your prescribing doctor may be contacted to check your prescription)
  • Date and validity of prescription

* please note that additional information could be required by your competent authorities depending on your jurisdiction.

Why is Passport or National ID card needed

As Prescription is issued to you personally it shall be possible to verify your ID indicated in the prescription.